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Deloitte, Empirica and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB) are conducting a study together with the European Commission DG for Research & Innovation (DG RTD) on Promoting education, training and skills across the bioeconomy focused on the contribution to bioeconomy education and training.  The took place on 26th October.

The introductory remark was delivered by Peter Wehrheim from the European Commission, Sebastian Van der Peijl (Deloitte) presented the overview of the workshop. Panel discussion was organised, Helene Nilsson, Nordic Council of

Ministers Lithuania, BeUBio, Davide Viaggi, European Bioeconomy, University George Sakellaris, European community of Practice on Bioeconomy Education and Coordinator of the BIOEAST Thematic Working Group Bioeconomy Education, Barbara Archesso, European Vocational Training Association (EVTA), Piritta Torssonen, Bioeconomy education for professionals at University of Eastern Finland. The workshop and the panel discussion was moderated by Joanna Inglis- Dupont and the workshop encouraged also a interesting discussion among participants. 

Panelist discussed the need to create new professional figures of advisers or mentors, supporting SMEs, farmers and also regions, raising their awareness  and also the establishment of  networks to promote mutual learning and knowledge sharing, like the European Bioeconomy Network, The European Bioeconomy Universtity, the Bioeast Initiative or the  Community of Practice.   

Participants discussed  good practice of providing inspirational stories, business models, practical solutions, etc. the cross sector collaboration and using the problem based learning was mentioned as a vital tool. It was said that it is important to create new professional figures of advisers or mentors, supporting SME`s farmers and also regions, raising their awareness, providing inspirational stories, bussines models, practical solutions as it will enable these actors in changing their practices and grab the bioeconomy  opportunities. Those stakeholders are out of the educationl pathway are the core of the actual economy.

In the discussion it was mentioned the need to create sustainability mindset  in childhood, Susanna Albertiny presented innovative approaches from European funded projects including very many activities tailored to kids including the new Bioeconomy book for children.

Three breakout  sessions were organised focused on Higher education,  VET and  Entrepreneurship training. The first session discussed the need to teach new generation, the importance of brokers to connect the disciplines and also twinning exercise as a tool to share experience. The third session discussed the need for technology education students. Marie Kubankova the coordinator of the first bioeconomy HUB in the BIOEAST macro region shared experience from  innovative projects of the members of the BIOEAST HUB CZ. BIOEAST HUB CZ is sharing the experience among its members in the form of case studies.



BIOEAST HUB CZ reflektuje Evropskou Zelenou dohodu a novou Evropskou strategii bioekonomiky a je koncipován jako národní sdružení stakeholderů.

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BIOEASTsUP project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and innovation under grant agreement No 862699

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