
Paving the Microbiome Way for Improved Food Systems

On the 27th, 28th and 29th June, the Horizon 2020 MicrobiomeSupport project is organizing a free, 3-day on-site conference

Paving the Microbiome Way for Improved Food Systems” in Brussels, and we are inviting you to be part of it!

The conference welcomes renowned keynote speakers:

-          John Bell, Director Healthy Planet at DG Research & Innovation, European Commission

-          Justus Wesseler, Chair of Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy at Wageningen University in the Netherlands

-          Lene Lange, former professor from the Technical University of Denmark, Aalborg University & University of Copenhagen and founder of Lla-BioEconomy, Research & Advisory

-          Gail Rosen, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Drexel University, USA

The event will, among others, inform about the latest state of research in different types of environments (soil, plants, aquatic environments, animals, humans, etc.) and present new approaches to microbiome policies & innovation strategies.


The agenda, registration link and more information can be found on the dedicated website section: https://www.microbiomesupport.eu/save-the-date-final-conference-will-be-held-in-june-2022/ .



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BIOEASTsUP project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and innovation under grant agreement No 862699

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