TWG Freshwater

Fresh Water Based Bioeconomy

BIOEAST HUB CZ is coordinating the macro-regional TWG as a working body of the BIOEAST initiative

Fresh water is a vital element influencing the economies and social structure, of the Central and Eastern European countries; The BIOEAST Initiative of Central and Eastern European countries defined fresh water as an important thematic area and the Thematic Working Group Fresh Water Based Bioeconomy was initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic in 2020. This Thematic Working Group is working on 11 countries priorities concerning the fresh water-based bioeconomy, and specifically on research and innovation agendas and from the very beginning members of the TWG Fresh Water BBE has been discussing priorities concerning the fresh water-based bioeconomy in the BIOEAST macro-region.


  • University of Pannonia
  • Research Institute for Fisheries and Aquaculture (HAKI)
  • Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  • Ruder Boškovič Institute Croatia
  • Institut de Prognoza Economica, Romania
  • S. Sakowicz Inland Fisheries Institute Poland
  • University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Agriculture
  • Ministry of Agriculture Czech Republic
  • Ministry of Agriculture Hungary
  • Ministry of Environment Estonia
  • Ministry of Rural Affairs Estonia
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Romania

Our activities:

Fresh Water BBE TWG is enhancing international cooperation, blue bioeconomy and fresh water bioeconomy is being mapped in the ShapingBIO project

Fresh Water BBE TWG is involved in DALIA project – IA of the Danube Lighthouse

We are preparing a networking event to enhance the alignment of the cohesion of funds with the resources of the Danube Lighthouse and we are getting ready to get involved in the upcoming calls of Danube Lighthouse

Do you want to join us?

Please get in touch and contact us. We are looking forward to welcome you in our TWG

Do you want to know more?

Thematic SRIA of Fresh Water BBE

Thematic Study of Fresh Water BBE

Brochure Fresh Water BBE

High Level Internation Conference Preparing the Danube Lighthouse